20 March 2009

My Current Life

Have been in my new job for almost 2 months i guess
Still, lots of things to learn but seems doesn't have the time to learn
As there are so many things to handle

However, these days whenever i got the change to Run Away
I sure will do so. It seems like it has been quite long time that I have not been home for dinner.

But these days, i really worry my beloved.
She seems so pressure, working under a new management.
She's so dissappointed as well.
A lot of work must be handle by her
Still her boss wanna add on things to her work load.
Gosh, she's loaded with burdens.
I feel so sorry where i can't help her
But what can I do
I can only support her, cares for her more

I love her more than anyone else in the world does.
I would want her life to be simple, and happy

I wish I have the chance one day, to give her this happy life.

I love her.


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